Last Updated: Before 30 days ago
Phone | ☎️ (870) 518-9877 |
I am not affiliated with any kind of law enforcement not trying to get anybody into trouble just trying to make as much as i can and have fun doing it. Not offering any specials donations QV 30, hhr 50, hr 100 and hr &h 125, and longer price will be discussed. Must provide pic of face and dick or else no further communication. Will provide snap if further communication is agreed upon. Will not do anything with blood, poop, puke, anyone underage, or extreme brutal pain. Condoms optional as long as you are disease free. Any questions feel free to shoot me an email. Can do in calls only no vehicle at the moment for out calls. If you email me please message me with a first name and pic or else you will not be responded to. Too many people scheduling appointments and doing no shows so from now on a 20 non-refundable deposit required up front this will be subtracted from your total. For example, a half hour is 50 deposit of 20 leaves you paying 30 at the time of the service. ONLY IN RECTOR, ARKANSAS TONIGHT ONLY!!!! |